配乐助手 发表于 2021-8-26 01:04:58

专辑名称:理想之城 电视原声带
专辑艺人:徐梦洁 /萨吉 /汪苏泷 /张杰


该剧根据若花燃燃的小说《苏筱的战争》改编,讲述了造价师苏筱的成长之路,并反映中国建筑行业现状 。《理想之城》原声带共由4首歌曲、4首歌曲伴奏组成,该剧原声OST由韶愔音乐出品。电视剧原声带中,多位实力唱将倾情加盟,张杰、汪苏泷、徐梦洁、萨吉共同倾力打造。


主题曲《从人海,到我们》由周辰作词,李奎元作曲,张杰演唱。“无数次彷徨 这条街道/只怕遗失你的美好/所以放下骄傲/从人海到我们/给你依靠”,演绎将音乐与剧中情感相结合,张杰的歌声总是能够给人带来身临其境的感受。



插曲《得,未曾有》正式,剧方特邀萨吉实力献唱,甘世佳作词,Jay Lefebvre, Serene, Lucas Liberatore作曲,于飞担当制作人。“奔向现实的出口/却在奔跑中学会了接受/涌出回忆的绸缪/却在心底终酿出了温柔”双向箭头的孤单心事,思绪万千,澎湃汹涌。

01. 张杰 - 从人海,到我们
02. 汪苏泷 - 理想之城
03. 徐梦洁 - 单行,线
04. 萨吉 - 得,未曾有
05. 张杰 - 从人海,到我们 (伴奏)
06. 汪苏泷 - 理想之城 (伴奏)
07. 徐梦洁 - 单行,线 (伴奏)
08. 萨吉 - 得,未曾有 (伴奏)


理想之城 原声大碟1.jpg
专辑名称:理想之城 电视剧原声大碟
专辑艺人:Jerome Leroy /刘韬

由爱奇艺奇爱工作室、传递娱乐、厚海文化、华夏兄弟、橙子映像、新力量、曲江风投联合出品,著名导演刘进(代表作:《白鹿原》、《精英律师》、《悬崖》、《一仆二主》等)执导,孙俪、赵又廷领衔主演,于和伟、陈明昊、高叶、杨超越等主演的都市职场剧《理想之城》原声配乐正式上线!配乐由著名制作人于飞(曾担任《八佰》、《金刚川》、《刺杀小说家》等大热影片音乐总监),携手知名作曲Jérôme Leroy/刘韬按照电影制作级别倾力打造。该剧根据若花燃燃的小说《苏筱的战争》改编,讲述了造价师苏筱的成长之路,展现出一个新时代女性的坚韧,中国建筑行业现状尽收眼底。

01. Jerome Leroy - 理想之城
02. 刘韬 - 苏筱的战争
03. Jerome Leroy - 现实生活
04. 刘韬 - 明争暗斗
05. Pakk Hui - 苏筱宣言
06. Jerome Leroy - 生活的向日葵
07. 刘韬 - 玛利亚
08. 刘韬 - 泡沫婚礼
09. Jerome Leroy - 黄礼林
10. Alex Williamson - 职场教科书
11. Jerome Leroy - 安居工程
12. Pakk Hui - 用人之道
13. 刘韬 - 父亲的爱
14. Jerome Leroy - 永不言弃
15. Jerome Leroy - 风水局
16. 刘韬 - 大家闺秀
17. 刘韬 - 得之淡然,顺其自然
18. Jerome Leroy - 向生活低头
19. Jerome Leroy - 造价师证
20. Jerome Leroy - 成人世界
21. Jerome Leroy - 约会
22. Jerome Leroy - 贺姚的心思
23. Jerome Leroy - 暗流涌动
24. Jerome Leroy - 木桶定律
25. Jerome Leroy - 吴红枚
26. Jerome Leroy - 雨过天晴


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wertewandel 发表于 2021-8-27 02:44:13


c1jang 发表于 2021-11-9 13:48:22

本帖最后由 c1jang 于 2021-11-9 13:52 编辑


配乐作者的网站上有关于这个项目的一些背景资料: https://www.jeromeleroy.com/the-ideal-city

Jerome Leroy came into the project through music supervisor Fei Yu, who has been helping bridge the gap between Chinese productions and composers based in the United States. Fei explained that Liu Jin, The Ideal City’s show director (who functioned as the showrunner), wanted a subdued score that could easily veer into dark, brooding moments, uplifting escapades, or more emotional bits as needed by the storyline. With that in mind, Leroy provided an engaging, captivating score built around a modern palette that effectively fits the contemporary, office politics vibe of the series.

“Early on, it was important for the music to underscore the drama without getting overly melodramatic,” Leroy explained. “We settled on scoring mostly for strings and piano, although some scenes required the music to go more somber and suspenseful (making use of electronic pulses, for example) while others were lighter and quirkier, calling for jaunty hand percussion and upbeat rhythm section (piano, upright bass, drum set, and acoustic or electric guitar).”

For practical reasons, the creative back and forth communication was done between Leroy and Fei, who gave him specific directions in terms of what the director’s wishes were. “After I submitted the music, she would get into lengthy review sessions with Liu and gave me feedback afterwards” said Leroy. “He has a very clear idea of what works and what doesn’t, which is always wonderful. It’s unfortunate that the language barrier complicated the process somewhat. So I guess you could say that I was communicating with the director through music itself – and after all, isn’t that the international language?”

Unlike the US, where television episodes are sent to post-production on a weekly basis (usually totaling 24 episodes over a 9-month span, for a primetime show), on this Chinese project Leroy found the process much more intense. The episodes were sent to him in bulk, sometimes as many as eight at a time, and the total number of episodes went far beyond what a typical season is on American TV (The Ideal City is spread over 40 episodes). “I had to write more than three hours of music in less than eight weeks, which is massive,” said Leroy. “To that end, I put together a small team of additional composers, primarily revolving around my esteemed colleagues Pakk Hui and Alex Williamson, and asked them to arrange my themes and motifs to fit specific scenes, while making sure they wouldn’t stray too far from the palette Liu Jin, Fei Yu, and I had envisioned.”

“Managing those producing duties, while writing the majority of the music myself, was an exciting challenge,” Leroy explained, “but it was also taxing mentally – when time came to deliver the music for the final episode, I looked back at the previous two months and was amazed at the amount of work that had been achieved in such a short amount of time!”

In order to keep the music focused, Leroy composed specific, recurring thematic ideas and approached most of the key scenes from a musically neutral point of view. “That allowed the music to subtly push in one direction or the other based on the situation at hand,” he said. “That way, the slightest change in the flow of the music had a direct impact on the underlying emotions.”

Leroy found the character of Su Xiao to be a wonderful character who is both self-reliant as well as a person nursing honest emotions. “Musically it was key to represent the multiple dimensions of her character,” the composer exlpained. “For example, being humble about where you are in your career but at the same time being proud of what you have already achieved; knowing your place, but also fighting for your rights when the time comes; and finding the strength inside of you to carry on, yet still needing emotional support from your closest friends.”

The soundtrack album tries to showcase a little bit of each style present in the show. Leroy’s primary themes utilize compelling piano and string motifs that lend a feeling of energy, sympathy, self-reliance, and accomplishment as Su Xia’s journey runs its course. The cues “Tomorrow Is Another Day,” “Kneel Down,” “Su’s Certificate,” and the conclusive “Sun Rise” are potent musical touchstones in her story.

— Randall D. Larson

minmay122 发表于 2021-8-26 13:11:55


ebjwly 发表于 2021-9-21 20:58:41


eric6103 发表于 2022-8-20 22:24:53


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wxdm2003 发表于 2021-8-26 21:29:37


ziyuweizhuo 发表于 2021-8-27 09:38:37

好音乐 谢谢分享

dengjielong 发表于 2021-8-27 22:26:49


腾空鸟 发表于 2021-8-28 00:30:48


o2mini 发表于 2021-8-29 12:17:53


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luckywuling 发表于 2021-9-8 14:23:53


大千一闲人 发表于 2021-9-11 18:47:54

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查看完整版本: 理想之城 电视剧原声大碟[FLAC/百度网盘]